Toolkit Bay

YAML Validator

Check whether your YAML file is valid or not. Highlight programming errors and bugs

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YAML Validator

What is YAML ?

YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a data serialization standard or format which is human friendly. If you notice the syntax, is is pretty similar to Python syntax because of the indentation. Yes, indentation is important on YAML(the indentation before text) , so if you miss the indentation before the text, your YAML text may no longer valid.

By using indentation, YAML text also more easier to read

Sample of YAML Formatted Text :

name: doggy
- duration: 5
  name: bark
- duration: 2
  name: smile
- duration: 99999
  name: loving

Sample of Invalid YAML Text :

name: doggy
- duration: 3
  name: bark
- duration: 2
- name: smile

Common Error

  • You probably have mixed use of space and tab on your document


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