ROT13 Encode and Decode
Convert your text into / from ROT13 cipher encryption
ROT13 Encoder and Decoder
Convert text to ROT13 format, can encrypt and decrypt
Encode == Decrypt
What is ROT13 ?
ROT13 ("rotate by 13" or ROT-13) is a letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the 13th letter after it, in the alphabet. So, a
will become n
, and z
will become m
If you already check out our caesar cipher, you will notice that ROT-13 is just a subset or part of caesar cipher. The difference is in caesar cipher, you can shift by 1 to 26 (shift 26 won't change anything), whereas with ROT-13, you locked to shift by 13 after the character.
So, ROT13 is simpler version of caesar cipher.
For better understanding this cipher, you just need to imagine the alphabet can be numbered.
Such as A is 1
, B is 2
, C is 3
, D is 4
, Z is 26
, and continuing with other characters.
Good things inside
Encrypted in ROT13 :
Tbbq guvatf vafvqr