Toolkit Bay

JSON Validator

Check whether your JSON file is valid or not

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JSON Validator

What is JSON ?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a file format or structure that uses human-readable text for transmitting data or objects such as text, number, list, object( yes, javascript object), and others.

JSON object is native in Javasscript and can be seen as key - value pair. JSON is pretty common object used to send data over the internet.

Sample of Valid JSON Text :

  "name" : "doggy",
  "skills" : [
    {"duration":5, "name":"bark"},
    {"duration":2, "name":"smile"},
    {"duration":99999, "name":"loving"}


{ "age":15 }

Sample of Invalid JSON Text :

{ name: "doggy" }


  "name" : "doggy",
  "skills" : [
    {"duration":5, "name":"bark"},
    {"duration":2, "name":"smile"},
    {"duration":99999, "name":"loving"},

Common Error

  • You probably have an extra comma at the end of your collection. Something like { "key": "value", }
  • Not enclosing your collection keys in quotes. Valid format for a collection is { "key": "value" }


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